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Nationwide delivery of goods

Regular scheduled distribution of cargo to over 3,000 stores of Ukraine’s key retail

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Storage and warehousing services

UVK renders to its Clients a full range of warehouse services at its logistics terminals, considering

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International forwarding

UVK provides a complete range of international logistics services

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Customs-brokerage services

UVK provides customs services brokerage on Ukraine’s customs law and procedures, and bonded storage

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Order fulfillment and additional logistics services

Within the range of logistics services, UVK has provided since 2001


UVK Logistics

UVK Logistics is leading Ukrainian 3PL provider with experience of over 18 years.
Long-term, reliability and comfort in relations with our Clients is our major value. Integrated logistics from UVK ensures stable growth and development of the business of our Clients, whose target market is Ukraine.



Митна система України у військовий час

Митна система України за останні два роки зазнала значних змін. Ці зміни були викликані, з одного боку, повномасштабним вторгненням РФ в Україну, а з іншого боку, прагненням України до вступу до Європейського Союзу. У перші місяці війни митна служба України...

Ми оновили ВРМ!

Шановні партнери! ТОВ УВК ІНТЕРНЕШНЛ вдосконалює портал для вашої зручності. Планове овнолення порталу полегшить роботу з адресами при створенні Заявок. Перелік змін: Тепер є довідник вулиць. Вводити потрібну адресу стало набагато простіше: просто оберіть вулицю,...


Nationwide distribution

Regular scheduled distribution of cargo to over 3,000 stores of Ukraine’s key …


Storage and Warehousing

UVK renders to its Clients a full range of warehouse services at its logistics …

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International Forwarding

UVK provides complete range of international logistics services on FTL/LTL road, …

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Customs Services Brokerage

UVK provides customs services brokerage on Ukraine’s customs law and procedures, …

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Fulfilment and Value-Added Logistics

Within the range of logistics services, UVK has provided since 2001, the company …

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UVK Solutions
